
Ohio Disciples Men


ODM Logo

The Ohio Disciples Men ("ODM") is comprised of all the men of the Ohio Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). ODM exists to minister to the unique needs of the men in the church, enabling them to fulfill their potential as servants of God, advancing their spiritual journey, and strengthening the total ministry of the church.


About Ohio Disciples Men

At the GENERAL LEVEL, The General Conference of Disciple Men ("GCDM") is a group composed of an Executive Board and the Presidents of every region. This GCDM sets the agenda for national events, including Sessions (the Men's quadrennial assembly) and "Men Cookin For Mission" to support four General Ministries. The GC/DM reports to the National Offices of the denomination.


At the REGIONAL LEVEL (our Region being all the churches in Ohio), men gather at Camp Christian twice a year for weekend retreats. This Regional Group is called the Ohio Disciple Men. ODM supports the District Groups and the GCDM Group. Planning is carried out by the elected President, Vice President, and Secretary, as well as the Men's Commission, which includes all former ODM Presidents.

At the DISTRICT LEVEL  (generally two or more counties banded together), groups of church men join together and celebrate with Sunday Retreats/Rallies featuring guest speakers and/or work projects.
If your District is sponsoring a Rally or Mission Project, contact us  and we will place it in our UPCOMING EVENTS of the this page. Afterwards, please send a picture and short report to let others know what is happening. At District Rallies be sure to take an offering to help help fund the Regional Disciples Men's Program.

At the LOCAL CHURCH LEVEL, individual churches have Men Fellowship groups, which have fellowship activities, prayer, bible study, and/or work projects.


Supports, encourages, and resources Local Congregations in their efforts to build effective Men's ministry.

One of the Mission objectives for the Ohio Disciple's Men is to have a data base of folk who are willing to do mission through out Ohio and list the different skills they have.  This will allow us to have teams through out Ohio to be able to reach out to Ohio Communities with a helping hand. 

Camp Christian
As our Camp facilities have grown, so too has its need for routine maintainence. This year for the first time, we have winterized several of our buildings. These are likely to need greater maintainence at the beginning of spring. The men gather every spring to prepare the Camp for its summer program of youth ministry.
Green Chairs: Many of the most memorable times at Camp Christian happen in the Green Chairs.  These Chairs are heavily used and over the years have deteriorated.  It is once again time to build new replacements.  If your men's group is into wood working, please consider making a chair or 20 chairs.  Click HERE  for the directions.  


Disciples Men Cookin' for Mission currently funds the following missions:
Inman Center
Through the work of Dr. Samuel Guy Inman, Christian Woman's Board of Missions of the Christian Church founded Inman Christian Center in 1913. A neighborhood based Community Center, Inman seeks to serve the needs of low-income children and families who live near the Center and around the Westside of San Antonio. More info at: http://inmancenter.org/
  All Peoples Center 
The mission of All Peoples Christian Center is to continue to provide a broad spectrum of social services to all, regardless of faith or race, and to empower the community to meet its needs by promoting equality, unity, respect and self determination among all who participate in its programs. More info at: https://allpeoplescc.org/
Kentucky Appalachian Ministry
Kentucky Appalachian Ministry works to develop specific ways the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) can join with other denominations in regional ecumenical ministry; discover ways to relate to the special social and economic needs of Kentucky Appalachian people as they work together in church and community-based organizations; and to serve the wide church by sharing distinctive gifts and experiences from the people and congregations of the area.
  Yakama Christian Mission
The mission of the Yakama Christian Mission is to be a visible sign of God's presence, by offering gifts of love and ministry to all who seek spiritual nurture and support. Ministry of the mission is accomplished through worship, pastoral care, and its program ministries. Program ministries with children are a high priority of the mission and include Christian education, with an extensive Vacation Bible School for the children in the community, and recreation using the new basketball courts and playground. More info at: https://yakamamission.org/ 
Please consider participating in the "Disciple Men Cookin for Mission" program. As you can see, the funds raised from this go to some very vital ministries. Check Important Links above for information on how your Disciples' Men's group can get involved.  Let us know when your group has a mission event planned so I can publish the dates here and we can support one another in our efforts to help others in the name of Jesus

Service Times & Directions

Weekend Masses in English

Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

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6654 Main Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 555-7856