
Clergy Conversation Call

Event Date:March 27, 2024
End Date:

Clergy Conversation Call

These calls are a way for us to stay connected, to learn from and to support one another, and to share ideas, resources, questions, and information.  The upcoming schedule is below.  A topic for March is sought, and if you have any ideas or would like to lead one, please email Rev. Harris at AHarris@ccinoh.org.

Currently the gatherings are scheduled for the fourth Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. and occasionally at 7 p.m. to make them as accessible as possible for all our clergy colleagues.

The Zoom link is generally sent out the Monday before.

Upcoming schedule:

  • April – Wednesday, April 24 – 10:00 a.m.
  • May – Wednesday, May 29 – 7:00 p.m.

If you have a topic you would like to discuss at one of our future clergy gatherings, or a person who might share some wisdom on a topic of relevance, please contact our Regional Minister, Rev. Allen V. Harris, at AHarris@ccinoh.org.  



Service Times & Directions

Weekend Masses in English

Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

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6654 Main Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 555-7856